New Sketch with Centerlines

Modifié le: août 15,2017  
Téléchargements: 1554  


Description:I'm constantly using the infinite length center lines in sketches and it's annoying to create them every sketch so I wrote this macro. Now I select the plane or face that I want to sketch on in my model and I press the hot key. A sketch is created with horizontal and vertical infinite length center lines.
    Condition préalable: 1. Open Part in Solidworks 2. Select a datum plane or a planar surface you want to sketch on
  Post-condition: 1. New sketch created on the select plane/face 2. Horizontal and vertical infinite length center lines coincident with origin created in sketch
Version de SOLIDWORKS: {0} Unknown
Langage de programmation: SW_VBA


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Jake Carr

Utilisateur depuis: 15/02/2017
Titre: Engineer
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